Use our Find a Retailer feature to locate nearby retailers, where you can purchase our floors. For an elevated COREtec experience, visit a White Glove retailer.
Select COREtec styles have guaranteed stock, meaning that can be installed in your home within weeks.
1. Free design consult
Our design experts can help narrow down your flooring options by giving recommendations on color coordinations, products & more.
2. Shop styles
Once you've found your perfect COREtec floor, your design expert will connect you with a local retailer for a seamless, stress-free purchase.
3. Enjoy your floors
Once you've purchased and installed your new COREtec floors, enjoy the easy cleaning, durable performance and beauty they bring to your space!
Don’t worry! Schedule a FREE, no-obligation virtual consultation with our team of design experts for more inspiration and ideas.
© 2023 COREtec, All Rights Reserved. Shaw Industries Group inc., a Berkshire Hathaway Company